Nick BelL is Proud to PLay GHS strings & CLayton Custom Guitar picks!

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Strings & Picks

Strings and guitar picks are probably THE most important tools to a guitarist can have and need. Durability and reliability are KEY! You don’t have time to be worrying about whether you pick is being shaven down, or if it snaps, or flies out of your hand mid solo. You don't have time to worry about how well your guitar is holding tune or if your strings will snap while you’re performing. That’s why Nick Bell is Proud to play GHS Strings, notably reinforced boomers as well as the Steve Clayon Custom Guitar Picks! Check them out at - & GHS strings at

Guitar Picks and Custom Guitar Picks by Steve Clayton, Inc.

Guitar Picks and Custom Guitar Picks by Steve Clayton, Inc.

Custom Guitar Picks by Steve Clayton, Inc.

Custom Guitar Picks by Steve Clayton, Inc.
